
Sur cette page nous mettons à votre disposition des outils financiers et de la documentation sur la recherche en gestion d’investissement que vous pouvez utiliser et lire.

Les documents sous l’onglet « Evaluation Financière » ont pour but de vous aider à prendre une meilleure mesure de votre santé financière.

La partie « Articles Utiles » vous offre d ‘accéder à quelques articles intéressants concernant la gestion de portefeuille et patrimoniale.

Evaluation Financière


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Download: Financial-Planning-Questionnaire

Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Templates

Articles d’Intérêt

On QLACs - Jeff de Valdivia (May 25, 2016)

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Download: On QLACs by Jeff de Valdivia – May 25, 2916

On IRAs - Jeff de Valdivia (December 12, 2015)

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Download: On IRAs by Jeff de Valdivia – December 12, 2015

More on Retirement Issues - Jeff de Valdivia (July 23, 2015)

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Download: More on Retirement Issues by Jeff de Valdivia – July 23, 2015

Will I have enough to retire? - Jeff de Valdivia (April 22, 2015)

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Download: Will I have enough to Retire? by Jeff de Valdivia – April 22, 2015

JP Morgan on Retirement 2015 Edition - J.P. Morgan Asset Management ( February 2015)

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Download: JP Morgan on Retirement 2015 Edition by J.P. Morgan Asset Management – February 2015

The Skinny On Stock Options - Jeff de Valdivia (March 29, 2015)

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Download: The Skinny On Stock Options by Jeff de Valdivia – March 29, 2015

How To Go About Investing A Large Amount Of Cash - Jeff de Valdivia (March 12, 2015)

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Download: How To Go About Investing A Large Amount Of Cash by Jeff de Valdivia – March 12, 2015

Emotionality and Investing (2) - Jeff de Valdivia (February 22, 2015)

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Download: Emotionality and Investing (2) by Jeff de Valdivia – February 22, 2015

Emotionality and Investing - Jeff de Valdivia (Febrruary 4, 2015)

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Download: Emotionality and Investing by Jeff de Valdivia – February 4, 2015

2015 Outlook: Pain - Eric Parnell, CFA (December 21, 2014)

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Download: 2015 Outlook: Pain by Eric Parnell, CFA – December 21, 2014

PERSPECTIVES – The Rise and Fall of Performance Investing - Charles Ellis (August 2014 - Financial Analyst Journal)

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Download: PERSPECTIVES – The Rise and Fall of Performance Investing by Charles Ellis – August 2014 (Financial Analyst Journal)

Bulletin d’Information

Newsletter April 2019

The back and forth between bulls and bears during the month of March saw the bulls finally overcoming their foes in the last third of the month.
The S&P’s 500 rose 1.94% in March. The Nasdaq Composite added 2.70% while the Russell 2000 (US Small Caps) surprisingly declined -2.09%.

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Newsletter March 2019

February was another “risk-on” month. Investors poured money back into stocks after many had missed, or partially missed, the spectacular market rebound in January. The S&P’s 500 rose 3.21%. The Nasdaq Composite added 3.60% while the Russell 2000 (US Small Caps) rose 5.20%.

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Newsletter February 2019

After four months of violent market movements, any investor could be easily excused for feeling a little lightheaded. Keeping one’s composure has been essential in order to avoid making serious portfolio-damaging mistakes. The unusual and large recent market ups and downs have had the potential to destroy otherwise well-balanced portfolios. Not moving, or not moving much and with clear purpose, was key.

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Newsletter January 2019

The S&Ps’ 500 sunk 9.03% in December. The Nasdaq Composite went along with a 9.40% drop and the Russell 2000 (US Small Caps) was down 9.92%. Internationally, things were a bit less dramatic. The S&P EPAC BMI (developed markets) was down “only” 5.17% while emerging equities were down a comparatively low 2.92% (MSCI EM) and 3.40% (Frontier 100 Index).

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French / American Chamber of Commerce

Emoptionality & Investing (May 8, 2019)