
Sur cette page nous mettons à votre disposition des outils financiers et de la documentation sur la recherche en gestion d’investissement que vous pouvez utiliser et lire.

Les documents sous l’onglet « Evaluation Financière » ont pour but de vous aider à prendre une meilleure mesure de votre santé financière.

La partie « Articles Utiles » vous offre d ‘accéder à quelques articles intéressants concernant la gestion de portefeuille et patrimoniale.

Evaluation Financière


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Download: Financial-Planning-Questionnaire

Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Templates

Articles d’Intérêt

On QLACs - Jeff de Valdivia (May 25, 2016)

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Download: On QLACs by Jeff de Valdivia – May 25, 2916

On IRAs - Jeff de Valdivia (December 12, 2015)

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Download: On IRAs by Jeff de Valdivia – December 12, 2015

More on Retirement Issues - Jeff de Valdivia (July 23, 2015)

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Download: More on Retirement Issues by Jeff de Valdivia – July 23, 2015

Will I have enough to retire? - Jeff de Valdivia (April 22, 2015)

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Download: Will I have enough to Retire? by Jeff de Valdivia – April 22, 2015

JP Morgan on Retirement 2015 Edition - J.P. Morgan Asset Management ( February 2015)

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Download: JP Morgan on Retirement 2015 Edition by J.P. Morgan Asset Management – February 2015

The Skinny On Stock Options - Jeff de Valdivia (March 29, 2015)

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Download: The Skinny On Stock Options by Jeff de Valdivia – March 29, 2015

How To Go About Investing A Large Amount Of Cash - Jeff de Valdivia (March 12, 2015)

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Download: How To Go About Investing A Large Amount Of Cash by Jeff de Valdivia – March 12, 2015

Emotionality and Investing (2) - Jeff de Valdivia (February 22, 2015)

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Download: Emotionality and Investing (2) by Jeff de Valdivia – February 22, 2015

Emotionality and Investing - Jeff de Valdivia (Febrruary 4, 2015)

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Download: Emotionality and Investing by Jeff de Valdivia – February 4, 2015

2015 Outlook: Pain - Eric Parnell, CFA (December 21, 2014)

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Download: 2015 Outlook: Pain by Eric Parnell, CFA – December 21, 2014

PERSPECTIVES – The Rise and Fall of Performance Investing - Charles Ellis (August 2014 - Financial Analyst Journal)

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Download: PERSPECTIVES – The Rise and Fall of Performance Investing by Charles Ellis – August 2014 (Financial Analyst Journal)

Bulletin d’Information

Newsletter August 2018

US equities rallied broadly in July with the S&P’s 500 up 3.72% and the Russell 2000 (Small caps) up 1.74%, respectively. Internationally and in spite of the on-going trade rhetoric, thepicture improved. The Epac BMI (developed markets) was up 1.86% while emerging market equities jumped from 1.68% to 3.34% (MSCI EM and MSCI Frontier 100 respectively).

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Newsletter July 2018

June saw US equities rise with the S&P’s 500 up .62% and the Russell 2000 (Small caps) up .71%, respectively. The picture continued to deteriorate internationally. The Epac BMI (developed markets) was down another …

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Newsletter June 2018

The month of May was particularly volatile. US equities ended resolutely up with the S&P’s 500 returning 2.41% and the small cap index (Russell 2000) rising a whopping 6.07%.

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French / American Chamber of Commerce

Emoptionality & Investing (May 8, 2019)